ASTOTEC - astonishing technologies


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Attention: Notice of counterfeit products

We have noticed that counterfeits or replicas of our actuators and pyrotechnic circuit breakers and closers have been or are being circulated – especially through online channels such as Ebay, AliExpress, Alibaba, etc.

The counterfeit or replica actuators do not meet the requirements for active pedestrian protection relevant for certification. All counterfeits or replicas of our products are nonetheless pyrotechnic counterfeits, which may pose a risk of uncontrolled activation.

Furthermore, original parts of pyrotechnic circuit breakers and closers that have already been installed are removed from vehicles and resold via the online channels listed above.

We must therefore point out to you that installation via our official authorised partners is the only safe way to obtain, exchange, etc. our original products!

Our company does not sell any of its products through the internet!

The packaging used to ship these replicas also does not comply with the legal requirements regarding the transport of pyrotechnical goods. These look almost exactly like our original products, which makes it very difficult to distinguish the counterfeits from our original products. There is danger of explosion and fire!

We ask you to beware of counterfeits, as we are not in a position to assess suspicious products, ensure their safety or exchange them for original products.

Please also note that we cannot accept or take responsibility for any damage, problems or defects caused by counterfeit products.

We make every possible effort to remove counterfeits from the market, including taking legal action.

Nevertheless: please be vigilant against counterfeit products!

For hints and questions please contact us at

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Customized pyrotechnic igniter

Our igniters are developed according to customer requirements and current market trends for the automotive and non-automotive markets.


Igniter versions

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